Bergisons DCS MovingMap

Regardless of which version of DCS MovingMap you want to use, you have to install some files on your DCS machine to enable data export. To do so, please follow the steps listed under Windows + DCS Export below:

Windows version + DCS Export (needed for all versions)

Android version


version 0.x = Android free (Caucasus), 1.x = Android full, 2.x = Windows

Version Date Changes
x.16 24.04.2024 Some more performance updates and fixes:
- The OpenAIP layer is now correctly shown BELOW the DCS units.
- The Groundspeed and ETE to a Markpoint or marked Unit is now correctly displayed.
- Updated the Missile Warning System.
As always, make sure to also replace the movingmap-hook.lua file included in the Windows version.
x.15 22.04.2024 Performance updates and fixes: some units 'dissapeared' from the map in missions with a lot of units - fixed. Please make sure to also replace the movingmap-hook.lua file included in the Windows version.
x.14 01.04.2024 Added new feature: OpenAip map integration.
x.13 29.03.2024 Crash fixes.
x.12 29.01.2024 Added new features: Groundspeed display and ETE (estimated time enroute) to a Markpoint.
Added 1 NM Mapscale.
x.11 20.12.2023 Added new feature: DCS MovingMap now stores your preferred settings like unit label display and map style.
x.10 09.12.2023 Added Volume Slider for Missile Warning sound.
x.9 21.11.2023 Added new feature: Own Track Recording.
x.8 23.10.2023 Added new feature: Missile Warning.
x.7 04.10.2023 Complete re-coding including many new features and all current and future DCS theaters.
x.6 30.03.2022 Added Kneeboard/Image viewer. Major performance improvement for Android.
x.2-x.5 12.21-02.22 Minor bug fixes and improvements
x.1 08.11.2021 Performance improvements and symbology adjustments for SAR server.
x.0 30.10.2021 First release of new DCS MovingMap running on Windows AND Android.